plant of peace.
Awwwww, HI sweet friends!
Happy September!
Happy New Moon in Virgo on 9/2/2024!
I know it’s been some time since my last blog post and I really didn’t think it was going to be so long until I shared here again. But I chose to surrender to a very full summer schedule that I didn’t anticipate and I’m excited to say that my spaciousness is coming back.
With that said, a potent invitation has unfolded over the last few months and I am so excited to share more with you. Back in April I was deeply called back to Maui to see my soul sister Makenzie and to be with Momma Maui again. I knew there was an important reason for my return at this moment in time and when Makenzie shared my first shell of KAVA / ‘AWA (THANK YOU SISTER! FOREVER GRATEFUL) with me after I arrived on the island, I knew why. I was being called forward as a humble leader. I was chosen to be a custodian of the Plant of Peace.
I am at the beginning of my journey with the KAVA / ‘AWA and I also know we’ve connected before. I remember the wisdom carried in her heart shaped leaves. I’m excited to share more with you as I remember, learn and connect with the Plant of Peace this time around. I thought I’d start by sharing my KAVA / ‘AWA story.
PLANT OF PEACE ALTAR MOON | Painted on 06/15/2024 in the atmospheric energy portal of PURITY.
A birthday present for my amazing sister, Makenzie.
The color of the blue river in my dream.
…actually began over 4 years ago, on December 27, 2020 while walking in nature and listening to a podcast. The funny thing is, I never ever listen to anything while walking in nature (I enjoy listening to nature when I’m in nature), but that day I did and now it all makes sense. I got to hear a simple teaching that had so much impact on my being over the next several years (and continues to) and I know it was the beginning of why I feel so connected to the Plant of Peace.
The teaching was that all the streams and rivers and creeks and bodies of water are all the different cultures, religions, people and spiritual teachings and that they all lead to the Ocean of the Divine Love. They all flow to the same thing - Oneness. We are all One and this Divine love is within. God is within. So God is in everyone and everything.
I know, super simple but holy moly it was such a big knowing for me.
And then sometime in between 12/27/2020 and 1/8/2021 I had the most beautiful dream. I was floating down the most beautiful potent blue river ever. I can’t even describe the color of this blue. And I was in the river with a community of people. There were families and small groups and I was with soul family. Everyone was so happy and just being in the moment of the river. It was so beautiful and felt so real. When I woke, I couldn’t stop thinking about that blue water and the feeling I had floating down that river. A feeling of oneness with every. single. person in that river.
On 1/8/2021 a friend of mine who lives in NY sent me a picture of a river and it was the exact blue in my dream. A synchronicity that means so much to me. To have a real life visual of the blue water that I witnessed in my dream was such a gift.
So what all of this means to me is that the sacred element of water, the rivers and that amazing blue color of the water are all symbols of oneness. Of unity. Of peace. And every time I’m by water. I pray for oneness. I pray for peace. I pray for love to overcome this planet. I say the simple words out loud: WE ARE ALL ONE.
Since then, I’ve been on a mission to share this message of oneness. I feel it every single day. And I know the KAVA | ‘AWA has come to be my ally in this mission.
On 4/26/2024, I received my first shell of KAVA / ‘AWA and immediately knew I was going to share the Plant of Peace with as many people as possible. As I deepen my connection with KAVA / ‘AWA, I am committed to learning with curiosity, connecting with my own inner peace and sharing her message of oneness with clarity, love and peace in my heart.
I am currently enrolled in a 12 week KAVA / ‘AWA apprenticeship called the DEPLOYMENT OF PEACE with 12 AMAZING sisters of peace to learn as much as possible as I deepen my relationship and connection to her medicine. My Deployment of Peace commitment is to show up with pure presence, in service to peace and with love deeply rooted in the service to the whole.
sea turtle
One of the most precious moments of my life was spending time with my sweet animal teacher Sea Turtle. As we sat there, I felt in my being that our souls were very old friends and that we’ve been together in past lives. In a way, she felt like my grandmother. I asked her “How can I be of Greatest Service to the Whole” I told her I’m here to receive her wisdom. We were in such deep presence with each other. We looked in each other’s eyes and in that moment she let me know that she is my guide on this Plant of Peace journey.
The Sea Turtle is a symbol of mana (spiritual energy) in Hawaiian culture and their presence brings PEACE. The Honu is considered a form of 'aumakua or ancestral spirit offering lifelong protection, wisdom and guidance.
I know that these moments are so important and are messages from the wild unknown of knowing. They literally bring me to tears. KAVA / ‘AWA activates these moments like no other! Ever since I’ve been consistently sitting with the Plant of Peace, I’ve been receiving so many potent messages and the most beautiful synchronicities.
Intellect – Precision – Impeccability
I haven’t spent much focused time on my Gene Key journey this summer but the Gene Key wisdom is always working in the background of my life. A lot of my contemplation since I last wrote here has been around Gene Key 62. If I had to pick my favorite Gene Key, it would be Gene Key 62 and it’s not even in my profile. I’m so drawn to the message of Gene Key 62 and know my contemplations are so in alignment with my connection to the PLANT OF PEACE.
the language of light
I will be sharing more as it all becomes clearer but wanted to share my favorite quote from Richard’s contemplation of Gene Key 62: “WE ARE MOVING FROM THE DUALISTIC TO THE TRINARY. AND IN THREE YOU ARRIVE BACK AT ONE, BUT IT’S NOT THE SAME ONE. IT’S ONE ENRICHED THROUGH THE JOURNEY THROUGH TWO” -Richard Rudd
Download Richard Rudd’s contemplation of GK62 here:
“Many people have been shocked to find that one of the Shadows in the Gene Keys is the Shadow of Intellect. The reason that Intellect is a Shadow is quite simply because it’s rooted in dualism.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
maui moments
There’s so much more I want to share and I promise to share in perfect timing as it all unfolds. All I know is this Plant of Peace is important and so powerful and I am so excited to see, feel, hear, be more peace, more love, more connection of oneness through the wisdom received from the KAVA / ‘AWA.
Makenzie, thank you for answering the call to bring the Plant of Peace forward during this timeline. Thank you for sharing the Plant of Peace with me. Thank you for trusting me to share the Plant of Peace with others. I am honored beyond words to be a custodian of the KAVA / ‘AWA. Let’s GO, dear one!
kava | ‘awa
Learn more about the PLANT OF PEACE on the at FLY KAKAO where you can also purchase a tin and a shell to begin your own connection to KAVA / ‘AWA.
I can’t wait to share a shell or two with you in honor of peace, oneness and love.
-Tammy | Mother of the Mountain